Pubblicazione: 1877
Volume XII. The Catacombs. Plan and Section. A. Church of S. Agnes, with the Monastery adjoining. B. S. Constantia — Church, Mausoleum, and Baptistery. A — B. Line of Section along the west end of the Church of S. Agnes, and the steps descending into it. C — D. Other steps, and original entrance into the cemetery or catacomb. E — F. Section of a Pagan Tomb communicating with the Catacomb. A passage from the Catacomb under the Church of S. Agnes to that under S. Constantia is also shewn by the shaded line from one to the other. The carriage-road from the Porta Pia to the Ponte Nomentana runs along the front of the Monastery on the east side, and a cross¬ road on the north side of the church descends very rapidly to the level of the floor of the church. At the east end there is an entrance to the gallery, which at that end is on the same level as the road.